Cockrone Lagoon Flood Study

Flood study centres around the opening of Cockrone Lagoon to the ocean when the water level exceeds the let-out-level of RL2.476m AHD. The policy is aimed at minimising the flooding of properties adjacent to the lagoon.

The investigation process used in this flood study was:

  • collection of available data
  • assessment of available data
  • overview of lagoon behaviour
  • assessment of coastal processes
  • hydrologic modelling of the catchment to determine flood inflows, and
  • hydraulic modelling of the lagoon to assess flood levels from flood inflows

Dataset Source Details

This dataset is connected from the NSW Flood Data Portal

Source dataset project Cockrone Lagoon Flood Study
Source dataset link Cockrone Lagoon Flood Study

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 26/06/2017
Purpose Land and Resource Management
Frequency of change As needed
Date of Asset Publication 1999-06-01
License 3rd party licence
Geospatial Topic Disaster
NSW Place Name Cockrone Lagoon

Dataset extent

River Basin 212 - Hawkesbury
Spatial Data Capture Method Exported from Model
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