State Vegetation Type Map: Border Rivers Gwydir / Namoi Region Version 2.0 VIS_ID 4467

This dataset was superseded by the State Vegetation Type Map ( on 24.06.2022.

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) is producing a new map of the State’s native vegetation. This seamless map of NSW’s native vegetation types will enable government, industry and the community to better understand the composition and the relative significance of the native vegetation in their local area.

The State Vegetation Type Map (SVTM) ( ) is constructed from the best available imagery, site survey records, and environmental information. Existing vegetation mapping has been integrated in some locations. Each vegetation survey is assigned to a Plant Community Type (PCT) and this is used to create a model of the distribution of each type. Their place in the landscape is then attributed based on the visual interpretation of vegetation structure. The SVTM is designed to be dynamically improved and upgraded as new local information becomes available.

Each quickview map is attributed with a code for all three tiers of the NSW vegetation type classification system: Formations, Classes, and Plant Community Types (PCTs).

The following fields are available for all maps:

PCTID: The unique identifier for the Plant Community Type. The PCT Id is captured as part of the mapping program.

PCTName: A colloquial description of the plant community that can be understood by non-botanists. It may include common names of dominant plant species, names of a geographical region, a substrate, a soil type or a climatic zone.

PCTIDMod1: The most likely Plant Community Type to occur in the polygon, identified by its PCT Id. This value is as derived from a spatial model that may provide one or more PCT alternatives. It provides an indication of PCT uncertainty, as several PCTs will usually have some probability of occurring at any particular location.

PCTIDMod2: The second most likely Plant Community Type identifier as derived from a spatial model.

PCTIDMod3: The third most likely Plant Community Type identifier as derived from a spatial model.

mapSource: The various sources of information used in deriving the vegetation map, including spatial models, visual interpretation and existing map products.

vegetationClass: Equivalence of a community to one of the Vegetation Classes as originally defined in the Keith (2004) Statewide Vegetation Map.

vegetationFormation: Equivalence of a community to one of the Vegetation Classes as original defined in the Keith (2004) Statewide Vegetation Map.

USER ACCURACY of Plant Community Type Models:

These results should be interpreted as a reflection of the model user accuracy, not map accuracy. [Map Accuracy = API Accuracy (visual interpretation of ADS40) x Model Accuracy (PCT Model Results)]. The accuracy of the API produced landscape class map has not been assessed at this stage. The model user accuracy below was derived by cross validation for CWL and RIV and by an 80/20 split for BRGN. User accuracy using cross validation is an estimate of how well the model would perform on a new, unmapped location. PCT User Accuracy is represented as a % (percentage). The number of field survey samples is recorded in the field Number of sites per PCT. The summary table below shows the number of PCTs modelled in each study area and the number of sites available (RIV includes pseudo-sites). PCT User Accuracy is weighted by the Number of sites per PCT. Accuracy is not reported for PCTs with less than 5 records. For a full description per PCT of user accuracy, please see attached 'User_Accuracy_per_PCT_VIS_ID_4467.pdf' located below under 'Data and Resources'.

Table 1: SVTM Number of PCTs, number of sites per PCT and PCT User Accuracy (weighted by number of sites)

|:Area::::::| Number of PCTs | Number of Sites | PCT user accuracy weighted by number of sites |


|:NBRG*:| 268:::::::::::::::::::::::| 2534:::::::::::::::::::| 54.9::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|


|:CWL**::| 198:::::::::::::::::::::::::| 10463:::::::::::::::| 62.2::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|


|:RIV:::::::| 130::::::::::::::::::::::::| 10699:::::::::::::::| 57.5:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|


|:Total::::| 596:::::::::::::::::::::::::| 23696::::::::::::::::| 58.2::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|

Results based on 80/20 Cal/Val split*

Cross validation results**

Quickview maps are simplified versions of the vegetation maps and only contain a subset of the attributes available. They are easier to navigate but still contain the top 3 most likely PCTs for each polygon.

A technical report is in press: State of New South Wales and Office of Environment and Heritage (2016) NSW State Vegetation Type Map – Central NSW, Part A: Summary, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney, Australia. Meanwhile, for more technical detail about how the maps are created, or more detailed data, contact or visit VIS_ID 4467

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title BRG_NamoiSVM_v2p0_PCT_E_4467
Edition 2.0
Purpose This dataset was developed as part of the OEH State Vegetation Map to provide government and community with regional -scale information about native vegetation.
Frequency of change As needed
Keywords BRGN,PCT,Plant Community Types,Regional Scale Vegetation Mapping
Metadata Date 2015-05-05
Date of Asset Creation 2015-05-05
Date of Asset Revision 2022-09-20
Date of Asset Publication 2015-05-05
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 15000
Vector representation
Record 1
Object type
Object count
Geospatial Topic Biota
NSW Place Name Central West Lachlan

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Temporal Coverage From 2014-01-01 - 2014-01-06
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
Legal Disclaimer Read
Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2015"