Lake Macquarie LGA Vegetation Community Map 2022 VIS_ID 5117 - Version 2

This dataset comprises of native vegetation communities within the boundaries of native vegetation extant in the Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC) Local Government Area (LGA). These communities were originally mapped by Stephen Bell and Collin Driscoll using the methodology outlined in Bell, S.A.J. & Driscoll, C. (2016) and are as amended by LMCC by bi-annual review.

The methodology is a composite of field survey (rapid data points) and vegetation mapping from various reports. Additional edits have been made by LMCC where attribution and/or lineage has found to be in error, or more intensive field site survey has been undertaken. Native vegetation extant is derived from the LMCC Native Vegetation and Corridor mapping (updated using 2022 nearmap imagery).

The internal Map Unit (MU) delineation accuracy varies according to the source data at each point. The intention is to improve accuracy over time. The accuracy of the vegetation extant is <10m. All data requires careful interpretation with consideration of the accuracy field at any location. Full floristic plot survey and multivariate analysis has not been undertaken for many of the map units, hence their position in the classification hierarchy requires further confirmation. This dataset should not be used as a substitute for full site-specific floristic survey using standard techniques (quadrats & transects etc) and should be used in conjunction with the supporting reports.

The vegetation community classification system used is LHCCREMS (NPWS) 2000, with subgroups and additional communities where no equivalent exists to form LMCC Map Units (MU). Equivalent NSW State Government Plant Community Types (PCTs) were assigned to LMCC vegetation community map units by S. Bell with varying degrees of confidence:

  • High matches are generally those where sufficient similarities are evident;
  • Medium, where some uncertainties are present; and
  • Low where there is considerable doubt over the match, but due to the absence of better matches these have been selected.
  • “No clear match” is for map units that occur in a very small area of the City and given they are local variations cannot be assigned to broader based PCT classification.

Nationally listed Threatened Endangered Ecological Communities (TECs) are indicative only, and require onsite investigation. For Nationally listed species composition, condition, connectivity and patch size need to be verified in accordance with the relevant conservation advice. TECs are based in the first instance on the LMCC Map Unit. Where the LMCC Map Unit has not been assigned to a TEC but the equivalent eastern NSW PCT lists an associated Threatened Ecological Community, the TEC is listed in this dataset with the suffix “(possible, from PCT)”.

Version 2 changes: In 2023 amendments were made to the mapping, with the updated version titled “Lake Macquarie LGA Vegetation Community Map 2022 – Version 2”. These amendments include:

  • Inclusion of data fields relating to the eastern NSW PCTs, including E. NSW PCT ID, E. NSW PCT Name and Confidence in the E. NSW PCT assigned to each LMCC map unit.
  • Incorporation of Saltmarsh and Mangrove polygons identified by NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) as part of their estuary habitat mapping in 2022.
  • Field checking and adjustment of some vegetation communities in the vicinity of South Creek, Eleebana, in response to a request by Lake Macquarie Landcare.

For more information including conversion tables between LMCC map units and Plant Communities and supporting reports see: or contact Lake Macquarie Council

VIS_ID 5117

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 2
Purpose Vegetation mapping to provide native vegetation community information to support biodiversity conservation, planning decisions and research.
Frequency of change Biannually
Metadata Date 2022-12-21
Date of Asset Creation 2022-12-20
Date of Asset Revision 2023-11-14
Date of Asset Publication 2023-01-30
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 25000
Geospatial Topic Environment
NSW Place Name Lake Macquarie LGA

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 2016-01-01
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution Lake Macquarie City Council asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© Lake Macquarie City Council 2023"