

Field Value


Lake Macquarie LGA Vegetation 2012 VIS_ID 2307 - superseded

Alternative title(s)



This record is now superseded. The current record can be found here:

Lake Macquarie City Council Working Composite Vegetation Community Map undertaken by Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll

from 2008 - 2013. A staged approach has been adopted by Council, to allow for funding as it becomes available. Stage 1 of the project focused on the Wyee to Cooranbong portion of the LGA, while Stage 2 examined the Glendale–Bolton Point–Seahampton area. Stage 5 focused on the north-eastern area of the City, extending north from Belmont in the south, and adjoining the Stage 2 area near Glendale. Stages 4 and 6 have not yet commenced. In total, approximately 46,270 ha have been included within Stages 1-3 and 5. Previous classification and mapping studies have also been amalgamated to form the basis of a city-wide vegetation map, which will be progressively amended and improved as further funding becomes available. Both mapping projects adopt the LHCCREMS 2000 vegetation classification as their structural framework, but with updated sub-community and new community allocations informed through preliminary regional multivariate data analysis undertaken for unrelated projects elsewhere in the region. VIS_ID 2307

Map footprint supplied only. Contact Lake Macquarie Council for access to the vegetation map.

Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data quality statement for Lake Macquarie LGA Vegetation 2012 VIS_ID 2307

Function: download

Vegetation LakeMacquarieLGA 2307

Name: Vegetation LakeMacquarieLGA 2307

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Map footprint supplied only. Contact Lake Macquarie Council for access to the vegetation map.

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


Vegetation Mapping



Spatial representation



Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Equivalent scale


Additional information source

Vegetation mapping commissioned by Council. Metadata entered by OEH.

Bell,S. and Driscoll,C (2013). Mapping of Lake Macquarie LGA Stages 1 - 3 and 5. Report to LakeMacquarie City Council by Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll, Eastcoast Flora Survey, May 2012. LMCC_Native Vegetation Communities_Guide_Metadata_2012.pdf Native Vegetation and Corridors – Understanding the Data.

Footprint only supplied. Contact Lake Macquarie City Council for the vegetation map data, or access Council's website (, and search for vegetation mapping.

These data are expected to be updated late 2015.

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value


Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Lake Macquarie City Council

Telephone number

02 4921 0333

Email address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


Lineage Linework entered from LHCCREMS 2003 various consultants’ studies and Voroini areas applied rapid data points and some GPS groundtruthing of vegetation boundaries.

There are six accuracy classes (1) is the most accurate and (6) is the least accurate

  1. GPS Ground-truth data

  2. Previous Study with amendments

  3. Previous Study with no amendments

  4. LMCCREMS modelled data

  5. API only

  6. Unknown

Linework/polygons for accuracy class (1) may have been generated using Voronoi areas from the rapid data points so the attribution is most accurate at the actual rapid assessment data point.

Positional accuracy

Varies – Internal positional accuracy ranging from 10 – 100m depending on accuracy class above. Extent mapping was undertaken relative to 2010 orthorectified air photography

and we estimate the external positional accuracy to be less than 10m.

Attribute accuracy

Varies – depending on accuracy class above.

Logical consistency

Object topology not checked, may have some gaps/overlaps within the data. All records are attributed with all known attributes at this time.


Stages 1, 2 and 3 complete. Stage 5 is underway.

This method is a composite of rapid data points in the field, vegetation mapping in various reports and LHCCREMS

  1. The map has been clipped with the 2011 LMCC Native Vegetation extent. The vegetation community classification system used is LHCCREMS (NPWS) 2000 with subgroups and additional communities where no equivalent exists. The internal community delineation accuracy varies according to the source data at each point. The map has been produced with the intention of improving its accuracy over time. The accuracy of the vegetation extent is ,10m

The LM mapping project has been a staged one as funding becomes available, hence the various Stage numbers. Basically, it involves progressively preparing detailed, local-scale mapping for priority areas, and then pasting this into the LHCCREMS2003 base layer. Other local-scale mapping Steve Bell did for OEH (such as Sugarloaf SCA, Watagans NP etc) has also been included. As a result there will be edge-matching discrepancies around the perimeter of the detailed areas where they meet LHCCREMS2003. Completed to date are Stage 1, Stage 2 (plus an addition to S2), Stage 3 and Stage 5 (S5 submitted to Council in December 2012), plus the OEH areas. Stage 4 (western LMLGA) has not been done as the priority order was changed by Council. After each stage, the report you mentioned is updated, with the latest (Stage 5) in draft and still with Council for review.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Commission

Effective date


DQ Completeness Omission

Effective date


Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Lake Macquarie City Council

Telephone number

02 4921 0333

Email address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

Lake Macquarie City Council

Telephone number

02 4921 0333

Email address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language