Government Property Index - GPI

The Government Property Index (GPI) allows the general public to view and search basic information on NSW Government-owned land and view it on a map through the NSW Planning Portal – Spatial Viewer.

The final dataset was derived through the implementation of the following inputs -

  • GPR

  • Crown Lands (DCDB)

  • National Parks

  • Land Parcels (DCDB)

  • Spatial Services

  • PlanningDB

  • Property (GURAS)

Furthermore, there are five data fields which are in-scope for the GPI -

  1. Lot / Section / Plan

  2. Address

  3. Area

  4. Zone

  5. Local Government Area (LGA)

Two special cases are Crown Land data and National Parks data, which were obtained by ‘intersecting’ the land parcels (Lot/Section/Plan) against the Crown Land Polygon and the National Parks (Estate) Polygon respectively.

Through the combined processing of these inputs into the GPI database, the final spatial data was added onto the NSW Planning Portal – Spatial Viewer for consumption by the public.

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 12/10/2022
Purpose Allows the general public to view and search basic information on NSW Government-owned land
Frequency of change Monthly
Keywords LAND-Ownership,LAND-Use,LAND-Topography
Metadata Date 2021-05-05
Date of Asset Creation 2021-05-05
Date of Asset Revision 2022-10-12
Date of Asset Publication 2021-08-23
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 4000000
Geospatial Topic Environment

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Temporal Coverage From 2021-05-05 - 2022-10-12
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
Legal Disclaimer Read
Attribution NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure 2021"