Dorrigo plateau biodiversity corridor vegetation and koala habitat mapping
Data and Resources
Metadata Summary What is metadata?
Field | Value |
Language | English |
Edition | 1 |
Purpose | To identify floristic plant communities in the three identified biodiversity corridors on the Dorrigo Plateau, and further identify potential koala habitat. |
Frequency of change | Not planned |
Field of Research (optional) | 4102 Ecological applications,410206 Landscape ecology,41 Envrionmental sciences |
Metadata Date | 2024-09-13 |
Date of Asset Creation | 2024-09-13 |
License | Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
Geospatial Topic | Environment |
NSW Place Name | Bellingen |
Extent |
Dataset extentMap data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Temporal Coverage From | 2023-07-01 - 2023-12-18 |
Datum | GDA 2020 / MGA Zone 56 |
Data Custodian Contact | |
Legal Disclaimer | Read |
Attribution | Bellingen Shire Council asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and Bellingen Shire Council 2025" |