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This item contains landscape capacity rasters for the following species, for pre-industrial (1750), 2000, 2030 and 2070, based on NARCliM 1.0 projections:

  • Anseranas semipalmata, Magpie Goose
  • Artamus cyanopterus cyanopterus, Dusky Woodswallow
  • Atrichornis rufescens, Rufous Scrub-bird
  • Botaurus poiciloptilus, Australasian Bittern
  • Burhinus grallarius, Bush Stone-curlew

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Data last updated 12 August 2022
Created 11 August 2022
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • Data quality statement for Persistence in the landscape (PLP) modelling

  • Description of methods and results for the PLP project

  • A two page summary for each species including general climate-informed...

  • COMBINED WEIGHTED LANDSCAPE CAPACITY This layer incorporates same landscape...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for combined...

  • This item contains landscape capacity rasters for the following species, for...

  • This item contains landscape capacity rasters for the following species, for...

  • This item contains landscape capacity rasters for the following species, for...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for the following...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for the following...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for the following...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for the following...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for the following...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for the following...

  • This item contains a zip file of landscape capacity rasters for the following...