NARCliM2.0 Severe Fire Weather Days Web Map Service


Web map service for GeoTIFF data for NARCliM2.0-derived change in severe fire weather days (FFDI greater than 50) over the 1990-2009 baseline as found on the NSW Interactive climate change projections map (

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Data last updated 12 August 2024
Created 12 August 2024
Format WMS
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • Display dataset on SEED's map

  • Data quality statement for Climate change in New South Wales (Draft)

  • Interactive climate change projections map for a map view of the data

  • Have a question about the Interactive map and its data? Check the FAQs page.

  • Learn more about the NSW and Australian Regional Climate Modelling climate...

  • More details about the GeoTIFF data packs.

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  • This severe fire weather days (FFDI over 50) data pack for NSW contains...

  • Web map service for GeoTIFF data for NARCliM2.0-derived change in average...

  • Web map service for GeoTIFF data for NARCliM2.0-derived change in average...

  • Web map service for GeoTIFF data for NARCliM2.0-derived change in average...

  • Web map service for GeoTIFF data for NARCliM2.0-derived change in average...

  • Web map service for GeoTIFF data for NARCliM2.0-derived change in number of...

  • Web map service for GeoTIFF data for NARCliM2.0-derived change in number of...