Climate Change Corridors (Coastal Habitat) for North East NSW

The data integrates best available information to delineate broad wildlife corridors, for fauna occupying cooastal habitat, along climatic gradients. The objective of the layer is to best delineate large-scale wildlife corridors that are significant for wildlife adaptation to the threatening processes of climate change. The work has been based on key habitats (Scotts, 2003), vegetation mapping layers, NSW Wildlife Atlas, VIS Flora records, recent aerial photography and recent outputs from the 'Spatial Links' tool (Drielsma et al, 2007) to represent areas of the landscape that contain high conservation values and fauna corridor values for a coastal assemblage of fauna.

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition unknown
Purpose This project was commissioned by the Conservation Partnerships, Parks and Wildlife Division to identify land areas to develop a strategic approach to the establishment of protected areas on private and other public lands that complements the public reserve system and enhances the CAR design principles such as representation, adequacy and comprehensiveness. The strategy will be based on improving connectivity to address potential impact of climate change. The identification of wildlife corridors for climate change will contribute to the conservation and protection of landscape scale climate change corridors. The project has strong links to the recently announced "Alps to Atherton" (A to A) Climate Change Corridor and is essentially a finer scale interpretation of the A to A concept and function at a regional scale.
Frequency of change Not planned
Keywords ECOLOGY,Corridors,Biodiversity,Habitat,Fauna
Field of Research (optional) Climate Change Adaptation
Metadata Date 2007-07-08
Date of Asset Creation 2007-08-07
Date of Asset Revision 2011-04-08
Date of Asset Publication 2010-07-23
Date of Next Update 2010-01-10
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Equivalent Scale 0
Vector representation
Record 1
Object type
Object count
Geospatial Topic Biota
NSW Place Name Northern NSW

Dataset extent

Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Temporal Coverage From 2007-07-08
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2010"