Coverage showing the distribution of seagrass, mangrove and saltmarsh Botany Bay derived from recent aerial photographs. Aerial photographs from 1995 at 1:16 000 scale were used...
Environmental Impact Statement: Geological and ceramic resources on lot 9, DP 561214, Kemps Creek
Environmental Impact Statement: Fauna study and impact assessment : Kemps Creek reclamation project, Brandown Pty Ltd
ArcGIS files
Complete report
Study Area The study area is largely located within the Sydney suburb of Panania. The study area includes the entire Kelso Creek catchment, from the stormwater pipe network in...
Emmaus Village, Kemps Creek, NSW Aboriginal heritage assessment of proposed extension of aged - care facilities
Held environmental water dashboard: A summary of held environmental water shares, usage and trade data. Use the held environmental water dashboard to view: annual held...
Environmental Impact Statement: Kemps Creek reclamation project, raw materials extraction and backfill operation, Elizabeth Drive : Assessment of traffic implications