Williamtown - Salt Ash Floodplain Risk...

URL: https://flooddata.ses.nsw.gov.au/dataset/217d725e-0d11-4484-8fb7-e788d2e7c94c/resource/ee58bf6a-83ec-44d1-b28b-4bcdc66453e2

Dataset description:

Study used TUFLOW hydraulic model from Williamtown Salt Ash FS Review (BMT WBM, 2012). The key updates for the revised modelling include: * Updated topographical data using the 2013 LiDAR...

Source: Williamtown - Salt Ash Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan - Hydraulic Model

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Data last updated 16 September 2022
Created 16 September 2022
Format ZIP
License 3rd party licence