

Field Value


Successional Stages on Freehold Land for CRA Lower North East NSW. VIS_ID 3888

Alternative title(s)



This data layer shows the distribution of Candidate Old Growth forest and other Successional Stages on Freehold Land for Lower North East New South Wales as required by the Regional Forest Agreements (RFA). An expert panel convened by the NSW Environmental Heritage and Technical Committee (EHTC) in 1997 developed a process for the identification and derivation of the following Successional Stages:; ; Candidate Old Growth ; Disturbed Old Growth ; Mature Forest; Disturbed Mature Forest; Young Forest; Recently Disturbed Forest; Rainforest.; ; This data layer is an update of the original Successional Stages layer produced during the U/LNE Comprehensive Regional Assessment (CRA) process in 1998. The Comprehensive Regional Assessment Aerial Photographic Interpretation (CRAFTI) data were crucial for Successional Stage derivation, however they were not completed in time for derivation on freehold land in Upper North East (floristics) and all tenures in Lower North East (structure and floristics). The U/LNE Forest Agreements stipulate that data on freehold land will be updated when CRAFTI data become available. With the finalisation of the digital CRAFTI layer in September 2000, Successional Stages could be derived across freehold lands. ; ; The same methodology for deriving the original Successional Stages layer during the CRA (RACD 1999a) was used for this process. Distribution of Candidate Old Growth forest and other Successional Stages were derived by integrating structural maturity classes from 1:25,000 scale Aerial Photographic Interpretation (API), interpretability classes derived from vegetation mapping units, and disturbance history from CRAFTI and State Forests New South Wales (SFNSW) records. The rainforest component is an amalgamation of mapped data from SFNSW Forest Typing (Forestry Commission of NSW 1989) and CRAFTI taken from the Forest Ecosystems layer (RACD 1999b).; ; RFA projects dependent on the completion of the Successional Stages layer include fauna and flora habitat remodelling and derivation of old growth forest ecosystems on freehold land. The data will also be of use to the Department of Land and Water Conservation and Regional Vegetation Committees in land management decisions.; ; VIS ID 3888.

Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data quality statement for Successional Stages on Freehold Land for CRA Lower North East NSW. VIS_ID 3888

Function: download

Vegetation SStagesFreehold LNE E 3888

Name: Vegetation SStagesFreehold LNE E 3888

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


Vegetation Mapping



Spatial representation



Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Equivalent scale


Additional information source

NPWS (2001). Completion of GIS Products for the Lower North East CRAFTI Structural and Florisitic Layers. Lower North East RFA Region. A project undertaken for the Resource and Conservation Assessment Council NSW Regional Assessments.; ; Note related VIS data that were not used as part of CRA/RFA legislation: SStagesAllTenure_LNE_E_3892 & SStagesCrownLand_LNE_3890.

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value


Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


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South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

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Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

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Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


The following source data were integrated to derive Successional Stages. ; ; 1. Forest structure mapped using 1:25,000 scale API during the UNE and LNE CRAFTI project. The relative crown cover percentage of regrowth, mature and senescent eucalypt crowns was recorded.; ; 2. A classification of forest disturbance level based on the following:; ; i. CRAFTI Relative Stand Density, which is the combined mature and senescent crown cover expressed as a percentage of natural stand density for that particular forest type;; ; ii. CRAFTI disturbance indicators; and; ; iii. State Forests NSW forest management history (MANHIC) digital data for disturbance history such as logging, grazing and wildfire. MANHIC was digitised by SFNSW from hard copy maps of various scale.; ; 3. Interpretability of growth stages from API in different forest communities using a classification based on modelled UNE/LNE Forest Ecosystems (raster), UNE/LNE CRAFTI Floristics (vector), and post-CRA ancillary vegetation data (vector). The interpretability classes were: Easy, Difficult, and Special Case for non-eucalypt dominant communities. The ancillary vegetation data came from: Tweed Shire Council (Kingston et al 1999), Lismore City Council (Turnbull and Boulton 2000), and Byron Shire Council (Landmark et al 1999). ; ; 4. The successional stage "Rainforest" is a direct translation of rainforest from the UNE/LNE Forest Ecosystem layer (RACD 1999b). The Forest Ecosystem "Rainforest" was not modelled but is an amalgamation of mapped data from SFNSW Forest Typing (FCNSW 1989) and CRAFTI. ; ; 5. State Forests NSW Post-Photo Logging digital data were applied to derive Recently Disturbed areas. ; ; Tables explaining the attributes of the CRAFTI data are provided with the digital CRAFTI layer and in the report "Completion of GIS Products for the Lower North East CRAFTI Structural and Floristic Layers" (RACD 2000). The rules and process used to derive Successional Stages are explained in detail in the old growth report (RACD 1999). Tables showing growth stage interpretability classes for each floristic community are provided in the Re-derivation of Successional Stages report (NPWS 2002).; ; Derivation of Successional Stages varied between Public Lands and Private Lands. NSW NPWS Tenure, NSW State Forests Tenure & Crown Lands Information Database (CLID) spatial data available at Sept. 2001 were used to define 'public land' extent, the remainder being 'freehold'.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Commission

Effective date



The Successional Stages layer covers all of UNE and LNE with the following exceptions. Private land west of the New England Highway in UNE was not mapped and subsequently growth stage data are available for public land only in that area. In LNE, CRAFTI mapped south to the following boundary: the Hunter River between Nobby's Head and Singleton; the New England Highway between Singleton and Muswellbrook; the railway line between Muswellbrook and Denman; the main road between Denman and Sandy Hollow; and Halls Creek north west from Sandy Hollow. ; ; Some forested areas are not represented due to their restricted size. Minimum mapping areas were:; ; CRAFTI structure: isolated patch of eucalypt within a clearing: >10ha; ; CRAFTI structure: older growth stages ie tA, tB and sA within larger forested area: >5ha; ; CRAFTI floristics: >10ha; ; SFNSW and CRAFTI rainforest: >2ha; ; Forest Ecosystems: 1ha grid (raster); ; Ancillary data: ,1ha; ; MANHIC: unsupplied.

DQ Completeness Omission

Effective date



The Successional Stages layer covers all of UNE and LNE with the following exceptions. Private land west of the New England Highway in UNE was not mapped and subsequently growth stage data are available for public land only in that area. In LNE, CRAFTI mapped south to the following boundary: the Hunter River between Nobby's Head and Singleton; the New England Highway between Singleton and Muswellbrook; the railway line between Muswellbrook and Denman; the main road between Denman and Sandy Hollow; and Halls Creek north west from Sandy Hollow. ; ; Some forested areas are not represented due to their restricted size. Minimum mapping areas were:; ; CRAFTI structure: isolated patch of eucalypt within a clearing: >10ha; ; CRAFTI structure: older growth stages ie tA, tB and sA within larger forested area: >5ha; ; CRAFTI floristics: >10ha; ; SFNSW and CRAFTI rainforest: >2ha; ; Forest Ecosystems: 1ha grid (raster); ; Ancillary data: ,1ha; ; MANHIC: unsupplied.

DQ Conceptual Consistency


The Successional Stages data are stored both as Arc/Info coverages and ArcView Shapefiles. Arc/Info versions are topologically correct with all polygons containing labels but only those relevant being labelled with Successional Stage tags. Blank label polygons are areas of clearing or areas where mapping did not occur. The ArcView shapefiles do not contain the blank polygons; they only contain polygons tagged with a Successional Stage.

DQ Absolute External Positional Accuracy


The positional accuracy of the linework is dependent upon the scale of the source data. CRAFTI information was derived at a scale of 1:25,000 and positional accuracy is estimated to be within 10 m to 100 m. SFNSW MANHIC data was collated from maps of various scale and is of unknown positional accuracy. The positional accuracy of the Forest Ecosystem layer is estimated at 100 metres.

DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness


The derivation of the seven Successional Stages was the result of continuous refinement through research, field work, discussion and analysis by the inter-agency expert working group with approval by the NSW Environment and Heritage Technical Committee. While the methodology is rigorous and the Successional Stage attributes, even though broad, are widely accepted, the limitations of the source data affect the accuracy of the attributes on the ground. ; ; All of the rules used to derive Successional Stages have also been questioned in one way or another. For example, the application of CRAFTI point disturbance indicators, in the absence of MANHIC, to disqualify forest that would otherwise meet the requirements of Candidate Old Growth on freehold land. ; ; Preliminary field validation of the original Successional Stage layer was conducted in 1998 on public land in UNE only. For the UNE assessment 56 sites were surveyed for API growth stage and other information. Of these, 41% indicated agreement with the API growth stage (59 % disagreement). However in only 22% of these cases would the discrepancy have led to a change of successional stage status (based on the field growth stage) ie 22% disagreement with the successional stage. This preliminary assessment is to be interpreted cautiously due to the low sample size, environmental heterogeneity and other sampling related issues.; ; During the original CRAFTI project, mappers were required to spend a minimum of 20% of their work time in the field to better inform their coding decisions. Mapping was conducted using the most recent 1:25,000 aerial photographs available. Dates of aerial photography ranged from 1991 to 1997. Photo quality also varied, with some being at a smaller scale than 1:25,000 and others having poor colour balancing, both of which affected clarity of the crowns. Desktop audits by senior API staff were conducted throughout the CRAFTI project to maintain mapping quality.; ; The CRAFTI Accuracy Assessment project (RACD 1998) checked agreement between the mapped CRAFTI structure and sample polygons in the field. The results were expressed as a percentage of agreement on a 1:100,000 mapsheet basis. The large area and restricted sample size means that the results of the Accuracy Assessment project are not conclusive in a statistically rigorous way. However, the findings of the project suggested the following general trends: the overestimation of regrowth and underestimation of senescence in LNE and the reverse of these trends in UNE (RACD 1998). ; ; For interpretability, CRAFTI mappers were required to classify floristic communities according to the ease with which growth stages could be determined on 1:25,000 aerial photographs. The two categories for eucalypt and related communities were "easy" and "difficult". Non-eucalypt communities were classed as "special case" and were converted to "difficult" in the matrix for modelling purposes. Interpretability classes were used to compensate for the recognised trend to overestimate regrowth and underestimate senescent crowns in certain forest types, especially in western or other areas of low site quality. ; ; For State Forests NSW logging history data, particularly in LNE, logging events were consistently recorded as covering whole compartments even when only a small coup within that compartment may have been logged (SFNSW 1997). Post-1998 MANHIC data for UNE was more detailed being at coup scale.; ; Landsat 2000 TM satellite imagery was used to rapidly check the CRAFTI layers for gross cleared versus non-cleared errors. The errors were identified, fixed, and incorporated into the Successional Stage derivation process. State Forests NSW Post-Photo Logging data were applied to the layer to derive Recently Disturbed areas.; ; As a final editing requirement from the original UNE Old Growth Report, all polygons that were not mapped as rainforest and had an area of less than one hectare were merged into the adjacent polygon with the longest shared border.

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language