Assets of Intergenerational Significance (AIS)

Asset of Intergenerational Significance (AIS) is land declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1975. Environmental values declared as AIS represent important habitat for entities listed as threatened under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.

AIS maps were generated for threatened entities with discrete populations on the national park estate, as well as socially iconic threatened entities widely dispersed and inhabiting specific locations on a temporary or transitory basis.

AISs capture:

  • The most important habitat for the conservation of threatened entities including areas for breeding, nesting, feeding, shelter, etc. Not all mapped habitat will be declared an AIS although this may be the case for many entities, especially those with limited distributions.

  • Feral predator-free areas and other reintroduction sites on national parks.

AISs will be declared on a staged basis taking into account a range of factors including available information; threat status; proportion of remaining distribution on national park; and the total area occupied. AIS declarations will be updated as available data improves – i.e. it is intended that AIS declarations evolve over time to reflect the most up to date information.

AISs are a key pillar in the new NPWS Threatened Species Framework which outlines a series of actions to meet our commitment of zero extinctions and restore threatened species populations. The objectives of NSW National Park zero extinctions framework are to:

  • Stabilise or improve the on-park trajectory of at least 300 threatened entities,

  • No extinctions on the national park estate,

  • Remove species from the threatened species list as a result of on-park conservation measures.

AIS management involves the implementation of Conservation Action Plans (CAPs). CAPs set out the key risks to the declared area, priority actions to reduce these risks, and actions to measure and report on health/condition of the threatened entity. These objectives are being integrated in the design and delivery of NSW National Parks programs such as fire management, feral animal control, weed control and land acquisition.

Important note: The two internal AIS layers contain sensitive information and cannot be shared externally. The data was compiled in order to service the interactive web map. Because of this, some polygons are not discrete, overlap or are duplicated. The layer is therefore not topologically correct and quite complex to decipher. Please contact the AIS team for assistance if required.

For more information:

NPWS Threatened Species Framework for zero extinctions:

NPWS AIS home page:

AIS Interactive Map:

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Alternative Title AIS
Edition 1.0
Purpose Threatened species conservation integration within NPWS land management programs
Frequency of change Quarterly
Metadata Date 2021-09-15
Date of Asset Creation 2021-02-01
Date of Asset Publication 2021-09-29
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Vector representation
Record 1
Object type
Object count
Geospatial Topic Location
NSW Place Name NSW NPWS Estate

Dataset extent

Temporal Coverage From 2021-01-02
Datum GDA94 Geographic (Lat\Long)
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Attribution NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© State Government of NSW and NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water 2021"