

Field Value


Old Growth Forest Ecosystems BOGMP Grid for CRA Lower North East. VIS_ID 5060

Alternative title(s)



Map of the distribution of old-growth forest ecosystems across extant forest in the Lower North East CRA region. Three separate classifications and mapping techniques were used to derive the ecosystems in three distinct biogeographic regions and these classifications and maps were then expertly integrated and merged to create a full coverage across the region. The ecosystems were mapped for application in the Comprehensive Regional Assessment process. They were then clipped to candidate old growth, component of the BOGMP successional forest growth stage mapping.

The 100m modelled grid data is to be used in a regional context and not for fine scale interpretation. For areas without detailed vegetation mapping (western portions of the UNE and LNE regions, and the southern portion of the LNE region) the modelled distributions were used to predict the proportion of a modelled ecosystem only. As a result, the exact spatial representation of the data is not designed to be accurate.

VIS_ID 5060

Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data quality statement for Forest Ecosystem Grid for CRA Lower North East. VIS_ID 3883

Function: download

Download package

Name: Download package

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Raster Data (Esri Grid & TIFF)

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form




Dataset language


Metadata standard


ANZLIC Metadata Profile: An Australian/New Zealand Profile of AS/NZS ISO 19115:2005, Geographic information - Metadata



Dataset URI


The old growth forest ecosystems were mapped for application in the Comprehensive Regional Assessment process.



Spatial representation type


Spatial reference system

Authority code

GDA94 / MGAZone 56

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Spatial resolution

100 m

Additional information source

NPWS (1999). Forest Ecosystem Classification & Mapping for the Upper & Lower North East CRA Regions. Project number NA35/Eh.; DEC (2004). Field Key to Forest Ecosystems. Coffs Harbour. Old-growth Forest Related Projects - UNE / LNE Regions A project undertaken as part of the NSW Comprehensive Regional Assessments
February (1999)

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value



Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Date type


Effective date


Date type


Effective date


Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Full postal address



Telephone number


Email address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


Eastern Portion of the CRA Region - north of the Hunter River to the northern boundary of the Lower North East region and west to the New England Highway; ; Data Collecton Method:; 1. Fine Scale Vegetation Mapping from Aerial Photograph Interpretation; 2. Field survey; 3. Mapping of ecosystems across areas covered by existing fine scale mapping; 4. Modelling of ecosystems across unmapped forest and cleared land; ; Data Set Source:; 1. The following fine scale vegetation mapping from aerial photograph interpretation was utilised:; * SFNSW Forest Typing; * Natural Resources Audit Council Multi-attribute Mapping; * Coffs Harbour Council Vegetation Mapping; * Henry James Tweed Vegetation Mapping; * Department of Land and Water Conservation Nambucca Vegetation Mapping; * National Parks and Wildlife Service Coastal Vegetation Mapping; 2. Information from the following field surveys was utilised:; * Flora survey of Ben Halls Gap State Forest; * Flora Survey of Broadwater National Park; * Flora survey of Bundjalung National Park; * Flora Survey of the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area; * CRA Systematic Flora Survey; * Flora Survey of Demon Nature Reserve; * Vegetation Survey of the National Parks of Dorrigo District; * Eucalyptus dunnii survey; * John Hunter Granite Surveys; * Mount Neville Vegetation Survey; * Vegetation Survey of Myall Lakes National Park; * North East Forests Biodiversity Study Flora Sites; * Natural Resources Audit Council Flora Survey; * Joint Old Growth Project Flora data; * Hunter Valley Remnant Surveys; * Royal Botanic Garden Vegetation Data for the Guyra Mapsheet; * State Forest Environmental Impact Study flora data; * Tomaree National Park Vegetation Survey; * Tweed Coast Vegetation Survey; * Yuraygir National Park Flora Survey Sites; * Rainforest Floristic Traverses - Alex Floyd, Sally King and Woko National Park; 3. The following environmental layers were utlised to conduct analysis and modelling:; * Solar Radiation Index; * Minimum Temperature of the Coldest Month; * Mean Temperature; * Annual Rainfall; * Wetness Index; * Rainfall in the Driest Quarter; * Moisture Index; * Geological Classes; * Soil Fertility; * Soil Depth; * Topographic Position; * Ruggedness Indices; * Topographic Indices; * Slope; * Easting; * Northing; 4. Other datasets utilised were:; * Broad Old Growth Mapping Project (BOGMP); * Eastern Bushlands Broad Vegetation layer; * Historical Portion Plan Data for a sample of Parishes across the region; * Vegetation Units from the Interim Assessment Process; ; Source Material Input Scale:; 1. All finescale vegetation mapping was conducted at a scale of 1:25000 or finer; 2. The Topographic Indices, Ruggedness Indices, Solar Radiation Index, Mean Temperature, Minimum Temperature of the Coldest Month, Slope, Wetness Index and Annual Rainfall layers were all derived at a 25m resolution and utilised a 25m Digital Elevation Model; 3. The Moisture Index, Rainfall in the Driest Quarter, Soil Fertility and Soil Depth layers were all derived at 200m resolution; 4. The Geological classes were captured at 1:250,000 scale; 5. The Eastern Bushlands broad vegetation layer was captured from landsat at a scale of 1:100,000; ; Additional Processing Steps:; 1. All finescale vegetation mapping was imported into ARCVIEW as shape files and the vegetation type attribution of each mapping project was expertly converted to an analagous SFNSW RN17 forest type classification; 2. The imported shapefiles were converted to ARCVIEW grids at a 50m resolution and merged into a single layer; 3. All survey data was imported into an ACCESS 97 flora database specifically designed for storage of the data and was subject to a sequence of manual and automatic checking procedures as outlined in attached metadata statements for each survey.; 4. A data matrix of sites by species by cover abundance was derived from the survey data for use in the analysis.; 5. All environmental layers were imported as ARCVIEW grids and resampled at 50m.; 6. Analyses were undertaken of existing RN17 forest types with sufficient floristic sites using the full floristic survey data to assess the floristic variation and the environmental data to map that variation. The analysis utilised an analytical technique known as Analysis of Similarities (ANOSIM). The analytical methodology was applied using software developed specifically for this purpose by the NPWS GIS Research and Development Unit. The software was implemented as an extension within the ArcView GIS package, and coded using the Avenue scripting language with calls to external C++ functions, where necessary, to perform intensive mathematical processing.; 7. Forest ecosystems derived from the analysis were mapped within existing (albeit converted) mapped forest type polygons by iterative application of binary divisions of environmental variables at a 50m resolution. These applications were derived from the analysis process as a decision tree for each forest type which indicated the sequence of binary environmental splits and final merges required to produce the derived forest ecosystems.; 8. All derived ecosystem grids were merged to create a final ecosystem layer within the mapped extent.; 9. The pre-1750 distribution of each derived eucalypt ecosystems was modelled in relation to abiotic environmental variables using data extracted from areas covered by existing fine scale mapping. Non eucalypt ecosystems were not able to have models fitted because the coarseness of the classification for these ecosystems precluded the development of statistical relationships with environmental predictors. ; 10. For each eucalypt forest ecosystem a random sample of 1ha grid cells was drawn from all cells mapped as containing that ecosystem and a second sample of cells was drawn from all cells mapped as not containing the ecosystem. Samples were selected in a manner which minimized problems of spatial autocorrelation and model overfitting. A logistic regression model relating the probability of presence of each forest ecosystem to abiotic environmental and geographical variables was then fitted using generalised additive modelling (Yee and Mitchell 1991), a technique already applied extensively by NPWS in forest assessment work in NSW. Generalized additive models (GAMs) use a nonparametric smooth function relating the response variable to the predictor.; 11. These fitted models were then used to extrapolate the distribution of forest ecosystems across all unmapped forest and cleared areas. ; 12. The modelling was conducted via a modelling module (produced by Watson, 1996) which fitted regression models under S-PLUS statistical software (StatSci, 1995) and conducted extrapolation using ARCVIEW Spatial Analyst (ESRI, 1996).; 13. The modelling resulted in a probability surface (extrapolated distribution) for each forest ecosystem at 100m resolution. A single layer depicting the pre-1750 distribution of each forest ecosystem was derived from the overlay of all the forest ecosystem probability surfaces by randomly proportionally assigning each gridcell to a forest ecosystem according to the relative probabilities of each ecosystem at that gridcell.; 14. In the zone of overlap between the mapping schemes from the western and eastern portions of the CRA region, western ecosystems overrode the mapped distribution of eastern ecosystems for those ecosystems for which the western ecosystem models were deemed (via expert opinion) more robust then the eastern ecosystem models. ; 15. An extensive analysis of data from historical portion plans was used to inform the pre-1750 distribution of eucalypt forest vegetation (versus other native vegetation types). Each data point from historical portion plans was assigned to open eucalypt forest or non eucalypt vegetation based predominantly on the corner tree type recorded by the surveyors and secondarily on the description provided by the surveyors. From this information, the proportion of open eucalypt forest to non eucalypt vegetation was calculated for each vegetation unit derived during the Interim Assessment Process (NPWS 1996). Vegetation units for which no historical portion plan data was collected, were assigned the proportions of their nearest neighbour in the dendrogram for which data was available. This then provided a full coverage of the likely proportion of pre-1750 eucalypt forest on a vegetation unit by vegetation unit basis. Gridcells were then randomly proportionally allocated to eucalypt forest or not according to the vegetation unit value. The non-eucalypt gridcells were then cut out from the pre-1750 ecosystem layer within cleared land and did not contribute to the derivation of pre-1750 area values for eucalypt ecosystems.; 16. The distribution of mapped ecosystems was then merged over the pre-1750 layer derived from modelled distributions.; 17. For extant forest without fine scale mapping, rainforest was derived from the combination of the Eastern Bushlands database rainforest category and digitised transects from rainforest floristic traverses from the survey database. For extant forest with fine scale mapping, rainforest was derived from the combination of Broad Old Growth Mapping Project rainforest categories B and C and SFNSW RN17 mapped rainforest. Rainforest so derived was merged with the pre-1750 ecosystem layer.; 18. The area of non-forest vegetation within the extant forest domain was estimated by using a proportional allocation procedure for the Coastal Complex and Plateau Sclerophyll Complex categories from the Eastern Bushlands database. The proportion of non-forest within each of these units in unmapped areas was estimated by reporting the area of non-forest from fine scale mapping in mapped areas against each category and then applying that proportional allocation to forest/non-forest in the Coastal Complex and Plateau Sclerophyll Complex categories over unmapped extant forest.; 19. The extant forest ecosystem layer was derived by masking the pre-1750 ecosystem layer with the extant forest layer from the Eastern Bushlands database.; ; Western Portion of the CRA Region - west of the New England Highway; ; Data Collecton Method:; 1. Field survey; 2. Analysis and Modelling; 3. Integration with existing fine scale vegetation mapping; ; Data Set Source:; 1. Information from the following field surveys was utilised:; * Eastlink Flora Survey; * Torrington State Recreation Area Vegetation Survey; * State Forest Environmental Impact Study flora data; * CRA Systematic Flora Survey; * John Hunter Granite Surveys; * Royal Botanic Garden Vegetation Data for the Guyra Mapsheet; 2. The following environmental layers were utlised to conduct modelling:; * Mean temperature; * Mean annual rainfall; * Soil fertility; 3. The following fine scale vegetation mapping was utilised:; * Vegetation mapping of Torrington State Recreation Area; 4. Other datasets utilised were:; * Eastern Bushlands broad vegetation layer; ; Source Material Input Scale:; * The Eastern Bushlands broad vegetation layer was captured from landsat at a scale of 1:100,000; * The vegetation mapping of Torrington State Recreation Area was conducted at a scale of 1:50,000; * The temperature and rainfall variables were derived at 250m grid cell resolution and the soil fertility was derived at a 200m grid cell resolution.; ; Additional Processing Steps; 1. All survey data was imported into an ACCESS 97 flora database specifically designed for storage of the data and was subject to a sequence of manual and automatic checking procedures as outlined in attached metadata statements for each survey.; 2. A data matrix of sites by species by cover abundance was derived from the survey data for use in the analysis.; 3. The pre-1750 distribution of each derived eucalypt ecosystems was modelled in relation to abiotic environmental variables based on the presence/absence of each ecosystem at each survey site.; 4. A logistic regression model relating the probability of presence of each forest ecosystem to abiotic environmental and geographical variables was then fitted using generalised additive modelling (Yee and Mitchell 1991), a technique already applied extensively by NPWS in forest assessment work in NSW. Generalized additive models (GAMs) use a nonparametric smooth function relating the response variable to the predictor.; 5. These fitted models were then used to extrapolate the distribution of forest ecosystems across all unmapped forest and cleared areas. ; 6. The modelling was conducted via a modelling module (produced by Watson, 1996) which fitted regression models under S-PLUS statistical software (StatSci, 1995) and conducted extrapolation using ARCVIEW Spatial Analyst (ESRI, 1996).; 7. The modelling resulted in a probability surface (extrapolated distribution) for each forest ecosystem at 100m resolution. A single layer depicting the pre-1750 distribution of each forest ecosystem was derived from the overlay of all the forest ecosystem probability surfaces by randomly proportionally assigning each gridcell to a forest ecosystem according to the relative probabilities of each ecosystem at that gridcell.; 8. In the zone of overlap between the mapping schemes from the western and eastern portions of the CRA region, western ecosystems overrode the mapped distribution of eastern ecosystems for those ecosystems for which the western ecosystem models were deemed (via expert opinion) more robust then the eastern ecosystem models. ; 9. An extensive analysis of data from historical portion plans was used to inform the pre-1750 distribution of eucalypt forest vegetation (versus other native vegetation types). Each data point from historical portion plans was assigned to open eucalypt forest or non eucalypt vegetation based predominantly on the corner tree type recorded by the surveyors and secondarily on the description provided by the surveyors. From this information, the proportion of open eucalypt forest to non eucalypt vegetation was calculated for each vegetation unit derived during the Interim Assessment Process (NPWS 1996). Vegetation units for which no historical portion plan data was collected, were assigned the proportions of their nearest neighbour in the dendrogram for which data was available. This then provided a full coverage of the likely proportion of pre-1750 eucalypt forest on a vegetation unit by vegetation unit basis. Gridcells were then randomly proportionally allocated to eucalypt forest or not according to the vegetation unit value. The non-eucalypt gridcells were then cut out from the pre-1750 ecosystem layer within cleared land and did not contribute to the derivation of pre-1750 area values for eucalypt ecosystems.; 10. Torrington vegetation mapping was imported as a shapefile into ARCVIEW and attributes were converted to the derived ecosystem classification. The layer was then converted to a grid at 100m resolution and merged over the pre-1750 ecosystem layer.; 11. The extant forest ecosystem layer was derived by masking the pre-1750 ecosystem layer with the extant forest layer from the Eastern Bushlands database.; ; Southern portion of the CRA region - south of the Hunter valley to the southern border of the region; ; Data Collecton Method:; 1. Field survey; 2. Analysis and Modelling; ; Data Set Source:; 1. Information from the following field surveys was utilised:; * State Forest Environmental Impact Study flora data; * Wollemi Flora Survey; * Hunter Valley Remnant Surveys; 2. The following environmental layers were utlised to conduct modelling:; * Mean temperature; * Mean annual rainfall; * Soil fertility; ; Additional Processing Steps; 1. The predicted pre-1750 distribution of forest ecosystems was modelled using decision tree analysis. The decision rules related the occurrence of each ecosystem to one or more unique envelopes of environmental space defined by GIS coverages. Coverages included terrain, climate and vegetation attributes. Several alternative rule sets were evaluated cartographically be assigning grid cells to vegetation types, re-substituting samples and cross-tabulating predicted versus observed vegetation types. Rules were refined iteratively byseeking alternative rules on branches of the decision tree which did not fit well with the data.; 2. The extant forest ecosystem layer was derived by masking the pre-1750 ecosystem layer with the extant forest layer from the Eastern Bushlands database.; ; Attributes:; Value = unique ecosystem identification field, Count = area of ecosystem in hectares, Ecosystem = ecosystem name, Feat_ID = unique entity identification field for use in C-plan; ; Limitations: ; For areas without fine scale vegetation mapping (western portions of the UNE and LNE regions, and the southern portion of the LNE region) the modelled distributions were used to predict the proportion of a modelled ecosystem only. As a result, the exact spatial representation of the data is not designed to be accurate.; ; Completeness: ; Complete although further refinement/improvement over the years has been planned. The table is updated with target achievement statistics annually - these are based on original JANIS criteria and measure the representativeness of the CAR reserve system.; ; LNE - The spatial dataset coverage is complete for the entire extant forest in the Lower North East region as delineated by the Eastern Bushlands Database. Areas of forest less than 5ha are not included in the extant forest layer. Since the forest ecosystem layer is derived from mapped forest types where available, small areas less than 2ha in size or 50m in width are not represented. Rainforest mapped by the BOGMP project will not be represented below a 25ha minimum and mapped by the Eastern Bushlands project will not be represented below a 50ha minimum.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Full postal address



Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Full postal address



Telephone number


Email address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language
