dapper 872

Download URL: https://datasets.seed.nsw.gov.au/dataset/91060edf-d51b-471b-a14e-1c3a5aeb0009/resource/f5046d9e-9b3b-41f8-998b-be4d2818a183/download/dapper872.zip

Dataset description:

The vegetation of Copperhania, Barton, Dapper & Boginderra Hills NRs, located in central-western NSW, is described and mapped at a scale of 1:50 000 based on field survey quadrats,...

Source: Dapper Nature Reserve Vegetation Map VIS_ID 872

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Field Value
Data last updated 6 July 2016
Created 27 June 2016
Format ZIP
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
  • Data quality statement for Dapper Nature Reserve Vegetation Map VIS_ID 872