

Field Value


Byron LGA Vegetation 2007 VIS_ID 6

Alternative title(s)



Byron Shire Council Vegetation mapped by Ecograph and Terrafocus Pty Ltd, June, 2007.


Resource locator

Data Quality Statement

Name: Data Quality Statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Data quality statement for Byron LGA Vegetation 2007 VIS_ID 6

Function: download

Vegetation ByronLGA 2007 6

Name: Vegetation ByronLGA 2007 6

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


In accordance with the Project Brief for creating a digital remnant vegetation layer for Byron Shire (Stage 2) Contract No. BSC/2006-00132 (#607542)



Spatial representation



Geometric Object Type


Geometric Object Count


Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Equivalent scale


Additional information source

Vegetation mapping commissioned by Council. Metadata entered by OEH.

These data update/replace older data known as Byron_LGA_VISmap_6.

Report to BYRON SHIRE COUNCIL, Updating Vegetation Mapping –Stage 2,(production of a digital remnant vegetation layer)

for Byron Shire Local Government Area,Contract No. BSC/2006-00132, Prepared by Ecograph and Terrafocus Pty Ltd, June, 2007.

Footprint only supplied. Download package includes a readme file with information about data access.

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value



Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency


Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


Linework and attributes were scanned from individual transparent overlays (600 dpi Greyscale). The individual rasters were then georeferenced and orthorectified using a Digital Terrain Model generated from Byron Shire Council's contour coverage. The orthorectified raster images were reduced to a binary image and merged into blocks of 5 photographs. Ground control was established from points provided on the overlays or from a combination of Stereoscopic interpretation of the photographs in conjunction with cadastral and contour layers plotted onto transparent film.

The Initial GIS Tasks were completed on a shire wide basis. The API / Fieldwork and Final GIS Tasks then proceeded in tandem and were staged to allow delivery of updated mapping on a mapsheet by mapsheet basis. For the purposes of this project the shire was divided into 15 @ 1:12500 mapsheets. The mapsheets were positioned to align with two of the 2004 digital orthophoto tiles.

Initial GIS Tasks (Shire Wide basis)

  1. Edit / update the 2006 bushland boundary layer from Stage 1 to reflect any changes considered necessary after examination by Council officers.

  2. Buffer the existing vegetation attribute data (F and F Study 1999) by a small amount determined by expert ecological panel (considerations included, but not limited to, vegetation type, association and structure). This process rectified many small spatial inconsistencies between the two datasets.

  3. Merge the 2006 bushland boundaries with the buffered vegetation attribute data and pertinent Byron Bay Suffolk Park and Ewingsdale LEP 2005 datas .

  4. Extract 2006 bushland boundaries with associated coincident veg typing attributes.

  5. Filter by spatial algorithm and manual inspection to rectify issues associated with small sliver polygons and other unwanted vector artefacts generated during the merge process.

  6. Merge 2006 vegetation data with RTA GIS linework to identify bushland areas impacted by recent Pacific Highway upgrades between Brunswick Heads and Yelgun. Query and re-process resultant dataset.

  7. Merge 2006 vegetation data with 2000 DPI / Fisheries data to identify additional Saltmarsh and Seagrass areas. Note: This task was additional to those outlined in the project proposal.

  8. Query the dataset to produce mapping identifying the remaining bushland areas with no vegetation attribute data (non coincident areas) and determine fieldwork prioritisation attributes.

  9. Prepare mapping products (transparencies and hardcopy) for API / Fieldwork specialist.

Air Photo Interpretation (API) / Fieldwork Tasks

Perform API / Fieldwork to collect attributes for un-typed bushland areas. Where possible the attribute set emulated those collected for the 1998 FandF Study:

The attribute schema available in the updated dataset is:

• Poly_Id - Numeric - Unique polygon identifier

• Va_id - Numeric - ID for Vegetation association

• Va_code - Text - Code for Vegetation association

• Va_desc - Text - Description of Vegetation association

• Bushland - - Numeric identifier for bushland (> 0)

• Vc_id - Numeric - ID for Vegetation community

• Vc_Desc - Text - Description of Vegetation community

• F_id - Numeric - ID for fieldwork category

• F_desc - Text - Description of fieldwork category

• Cc_code - Text - Code for Camphor Laurel infestation category

• Cc_desc - Text - Description of Camphor Laurel infestation category

• W_code - Text - Code for weed infestation category

• W_desc - Text - Description of weed infestation category

• S_code - Text - Code for Eucalypt senescence category

• S_desc - Text - Description of Eucalypt senescence category

• Source - Text - Vegetation attribute data source

• Src_code - Text - Any veg codes associated with source mapping

• Src_desc - Any descriptive comments associated with source mapping

• Area - Numeric - Polygon area in square meters

• Perimeter - Numeric - Polygon perimeter in meters

• Hectares - Numeric - Polygon area in hectares

• Comments - Text - Additional polygon specific information

Initial efforts concentrated on collecting attributes for all un-typed bushland over .5 hectare on 2 of the 15 @ 1:12500 mapsheets

On completion of the two sheets (1 and 7) a meeting was convened to consider progress and a system of prioritisation adopted to allow consistent coverage of the remainder of the shire within the remaining API/Fieldwork budget.

All discrete polygons over 2 hectares across the LGA were typed during the remainder of the API / Fieldwork effort.

Any un-typed bushland areas remaining after the 200 hours of API/Fieldwork are maintained in the dataset as remnant bushland without detailed floristic and structural attributes. These polygons have a value of ‘Bushland – No Attributes’ in the VA_DESC field of the associated GIS database.

Final GIS Tasks (Mapsheet basis)

  1. Update vector linework and attribute tables to reflect results of API / Fieldwork.

  2. Validate vector data to remove any redundant linework resulting from attribute update.

  3. Produce draft mapping and GIS data for inspection and comment by Council officers.

  4. Incorporate changes identified during scrutiny of draft products

  5. Produce Final GIS data and Shire wide mapping

  6. Data export and report writing.

New Vegetation Association Attributes

The following 8 additional vegetation association categories were created during the update:

  1. CC Camphor /Casuarina (mix of varying proportions.)

  2. L Landscaping (areas containing obvious plantings of either native plants, exotic plants or a combination of both. Often contains camphor laurel.)

  3. Wi Windbreak (usually contains eucalypt, pine or camphor species)

  4. Pl Plantation (type not identified)

  5. Ple Plantation (eucalypt)

  6. Plp Plantation (paperbark)

  7. Plr Plantation (rainforest)

  8. SGRASS Seagrass. (extracted from DPI / Fisheries mapping)

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Commission

Effective date


DQ Completeness Omission

Effective date


DQ Topological Consistency


Checked for missing attributes All attributes were checked

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language