

Field Value


Acid Sulfate Soils Risk


This project has mapped the occurrence of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) along the coast of NSW and provides information that will assist land management and rehabilitation. In their natural state, these soils are submerged but when exposed or drained, they become oxidised and sulphuric acid is produced. This reduces soil fertility, kills vegetation and reduces fish populations. The identification of the location and extent of potential acid sulfate soils (PASS) is the essential first step in managing this problem. 128 map sheets were mapped for risk of occurrence of ASS at a scale of 1:25,000. This project was co-funded by the Natural Resources Audit Council (NRAC), and was revised in 1997.

In this version, (v2.5.1), ASS risk maps have not been remapped, however minor attribution changes to the GIS linework have occurred to fix errors and some additional original information has been incorporated into the attribute tables. This data provides maps of elevation, landform process groups and landform elements for the mapped area. The symbology for the ASS probability risk map classes can also now be simplified to reflect only probability, potential depth from the surface and presence of areas with Pleistocene sediments or ASS scalding.

Related Datasets: The dataset area is also covered by the mapping of the Soil and Land Resources of Central and Eastern NSW and Soil Landscapes of Central and Eastern NSW and Hydrogeological landscapes of NSW.

Online Maps: This and related datasets can be viewed using eSPADE (NSW’s soil spatial viewer), which contains a suite of soil and landscape information including soil profile data. Many of these datasets have hot-linked soil reports. An alternative viewer is the SEED Map; an ideal way to see what other natural resources datasets (e.g. vegetation) are available for this map area.

References: Naylor, SD, Chapman, GA, Atkinson, G, Murphy CL, Tulau MJ, Flewin TC, Milford HB, Morand DT, 1998, Guidelines for the Use of Acid Sulfate Soil Risk Maps, 2nd ed., Department of Land and Water Conservation, Sydney.

Resource locator

Show on SEED Web Map

Name: Show on SEED Web Map

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Display dataset on SEED's map

Function: download

Data quality statement

Name: Data quality statement

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


DQS - Acid Sulfate Risk maps

Function: download

Show on eSPADE Web Map

Name: Show on eSPADE Web Map

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


View this dataset on the eSPADE spatial viewer.

Function: download

Download package

Name: Download package

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Download data package: shapefile, PDF Risk maps and guidelines of this product.

Function: download

Acid Sulfate Soils web page

Name: Acid Sulfate Soils web page

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


DPE's web page about acid sulfate soils in NSW.

Function: download

DPE's Land and soil website

Name: DPE's Land and soil website

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Soil information, mapping & management; land degradation & geodiversity.

Function: download

ArcGIS REST Map Services

Name: ArcGIS REST Map Services

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Connect to REST map services using ArcGIS or ArcGIS online map viewer.

Function: download

Web Map Service (WMS)

Name: Web Map Service (WMS)

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Connect to WMS using your GIS.

Function: download

Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

Name: Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Connect to WMTS using your GIS.

Function: download

KML Service

Name: KML Service

Protocol: WWW:DOWNLOAD-1.0-http--download


Download KML for use in Google Earth.

Function: download

Unique resource identifier



Presentation form

Map digital



Dataset language


Metadata standard


ISO 19115



Dataset URI


Legislative and Regulatory requirements - identifying areas of potential and known areas of Acid Sulfate Soils along coastal NSW



Spatial representation



Spatial reference system

Code identifying the spatial reference system


Equivalent scale


Additional information source

GIS Field names

TAG - Master ASS code (risk, process, element, additional descriptive information and elevation

TAG_name - Master ASS name

LF_PROCESS - Landform process name

Proces_Cde - Landform process code

LF_ELEMENT - Landform element name

Elemnt_Cde - Landform element code

ELEVATION - Elevation name using Australian Height Datum (AHD)

Elev_Cde - Elevation code

RISK - Risk/probability of occurrence name (High probability, Low probability, No known occurrence, Disturbed terrain, Beach)

ADDITIONAL - Additional descriptive information (scalds or Pleistocene sediments presence)

Prob_Tag - Probability map code (probability, elevation and additional descriptive information)

Prob_Name - Probability map name (probability, elevation and additional descriptive information)

Legend - Probability map code and name label for legend

Version - Version of dataset

VersDate - Date of version

PLEASE NOTE: This web map services (WMS) has been customised for use at ArcGIS Online/Bing Maps/Google's standard scale levels. It is recommended that this WMS is used at these scale levels for best display of symbology, labelling and the layer's performance. Major scales levels useful for this dataset include: 1:288,895, 1:144,448,1:72,224, 1:36,112,1:18,056, 1:9,028.

Classification of spatial data and services

Field Value

Topic category


Field Value

Keyword set

keyword value



Originating controlled vocabulary


ANZLIC Search Words

Reference date


Geographic location

West bounding longitude


East bounding longitude


North bounding latitude


South bounding latitude


Vertical extent information

Minimum value


Maximum value


Coordinate reference system

Authority code


Code identifying the coordinate reference system


Temporal extent

Begin position


End position


Dataset reference date

Resource maintenance

Maintenance and update frequency

Not planned

Contact info

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Quality and validity

Field Value


The maps predict the distribution of Acid Sulfate Soils (ASS) based on an assessment of the geomorphic environment. This assessment has involved mapping of the environments in which they are likely to be found, being the coastal lowlands up to approximately 10m AHD and carrying out fieldwork to establish field relationships between landform, elevation and occurrence of ASS. Landform elements were used as the basic mapping unit. These provide a basis for land use planning and allow the application of elevation classes so that the depth of occurrence of ASS within a landform element can be estimated. It allows the prediction of soil management problems in other areas with similar landform and soil characteristics. ASS maps are not intended to provide site specific ASS information. The information derived from the maps cannot be used in the assessment of the potential to effectively manage ASS in a particular development. When using ASS maps, it must always be remembered that that there can be expected to be extreme variations in the nature and distribution of of ASS and that the depth to the ASS layer can be highly variable. The depths given in the map key should be used as a guide only and not used for a specific assessment of development potential.It is recommended that all land use activities likely to disturb ASS require appropriate soil investigations and a management plan to avoid environmental degradation.

Constraints related to access and use

Field Value

Limitations on public access

Data Quality

Field Value



DQ Completeness Commission

Effective date



Spatial data capture is complete for the entire dataset . Complete for presentation and usage at 1:25000 only. Additional project attributes are available in the spatial data from version 2.5.

DQ Completeness Omission

Effective date


DQ Conceptual Consistency

Effective date



All lines and polygons are labelled. All duplicates were eliminated, lines do not undershoot or overshoot. Polygons and lines were matched with adjoining map tiles. Topological consistency verification was performed as part of the quality assurance procedures using Genamap software and a series of checking procedures implemented (including visual check against field sheet).

DQ Topological Consistency

Effective date


DQ Absolute External Positional Accuracy

Effective date



ASS maps should be used at the scale at which they were published. Enlarging the maps will produce distortions whereby boundaries will no longer represent map units on the ground. ;\n;\nLandform element boundaries were delineated and published at 1:25000 scale. Boundaries between landform classes that could be delineated reliably were drawn as solid lines and as broken lines where they were diffuse or difficult to identify. Elevation information provided on each landform element is approximate only. ;\n;\nDisturbed terrain was identified by aerial photograph interpretation or from sources such as maps supplied by local councils. There are some areas of disturbed terrain which are not shown on the maps. These are typically associated with urban areas where the development prevented the identification and delineation of the disturbance.

DQ Non Quantitative Attribute Correctness

Effective date



Mapped codes were checked as part of the GIS capture quality assurance procedures, including a visual check of polygon tags against field sheets following digital capture. Soil samples were taken in the field and analysed in the laboratory. During the field work phase, field meetings were held with ASS surveyors to ensure consistency in site selection strategies, soil profile description methods and soil sampling techniques. Quality control and consistency in the mapping and coding of landform elements were also maintained by field checking by other ASS surveyors in the team and regular meetings to discuss and review the process.;\nAttributes updates for legend August 2005 - a field that reflects the legend description based on 12 groupings, 5 High Risk, 5 Low Risk, disturbed terrain and No Risk.

Responsible organisations

Field Value

Responsible party

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata on metadata

Field Value

Metadata point of contact

Contact position

Data Broker

Organisation name

NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Telephone number


Email address

Web address

Responsible party role


Metadata date


Metadata language