The aim of the Wildcount program is to monitor fauna in eastern New South Wales within NPWS estate and identify changes in species populations through Occupancy Modelling....View Dataset 1 citation
The NSW River Condition Index (RCI) is the primary long-term reporting tool for assessing riverine condition. It is used to combine a range of indicators into a single condition...
- SEED Web Map
The NSW River Styles is a spatial dataset that contains over 220,000 km of river length in NSW and records information (attributes) for each discrete section (reach) of river...
- SEED Web Map
Gridded multi-beam echousounder (MBES) bathymetry data for Hunter Marine Park acquired using NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment MBES system aboard RV Bombora...
Gridded multi-beam echousounder (MBES) bathymetry and backscatter data acquired using NSW government's (NSW Department of Climate Change Energy Environment and Water) multi-beam...
The LDPM data provides an outline of the performance of the NSW planning system and information on local and regional development determined by councils, private certifiers and...
Raw downward facing still imagery of the seabed over the NSW continental shelf acquired using NSW government's (Department of Climate Change Energy Environment and Water) towed...
Final results of the NSW soil condition monitoring 2008 baseline establishment for NSW. Soil Condition is the soil's ability to deliver ecosystem services and is rated for each...
Raw downward facing still imagery of the seabed for Hunter Marine Park acquired using NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment towed video system aboard RV Bombora...
Summary of marine environmental monitoring and observation effort by networks associated with three Australian National Research Infrastructures from 2010 to the present...