Vegetation association mapping undertaken as part of a resource and fire behaviour assessment for Pilliga Nature Reserve and Warrumbungle National Park in 1990. Existing...
A vegetation map was produced for the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (NRCMA) by integrating two products undertaken for the northern Comprehensive Regional...
Native vegetation mapping of the Millewa Forest Section of the Murray Valley National Park (NSW).; ; This map was prepared to specifically show the spatial delineation of stem...
The vegetation of Ledknapper NR is described and mapped. Seven communities are defined based on classification (Kulczynski association) with further sub-assemblages described....
Vegetation and floristics of Gilwarny and Wingadee Nature Reserves in 2012, commissioned by NPWS Narrabri Region. Seven communities were determined based on floristic analysis...
Vegetation Community Mapping for Valla Nature Reserve and Jagun Nature Reserve and some surrounding areas. North Coast NPWS Region and DLWC Contracts. ; ; Valla (also known as...
"This map and report (cited below) present the results of research on the rate of change of native woody vegetation in the Central New South Wales wheatbelt. The study was...
Vegetation community merged mapping for Towarri National Park by Sue Robertson (original veg survey), Lisa Hill and Travis Peake, 1999 to 2001. Mapping was done from aerial...
The results of an ecological survey of the south-eastern Riverina are presented. ; ; VIS_ID 828
This map has been published by PICKARD, J. and NORRIS, E.H. (1994) in the ecological journal of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Cunninghamia 3(3): 423-464. The pre-settlement...