The aim of the Wildcount program is to monitor fauna in eastern New South Wales within NPWS estate and identify changes in species populations through Occupancy Modelling....View Dataset 1 citation
The aim of the project was to trial application of the Framework for the Assessment of River and Wetland Health in NSW wetlands. This dataset includes mapping of wetlands in the...
Vegetation of Thredbo, Kosciuszko Resorts Vegetation Assessment 2003. Associated Report: "Kosciuszcko Resorts Vegetation Assessment", Ecology Australia 2003 Fieldwork was...
Vegetation of Mount Selwyn, Kosciuszko Resorts Vegetation Assessment 2003. Associated Report: "Kosciuszcko Resorts Vegetation Assessment", Ecology Australia 2003 Fieldwork was...
Vegetation of Charlotte Pass, Kosciuszko Resorts Vegetation Assessment 2003. Associated Report: "Kosciuszcko Resorts Vegetation Assessment", Ecology Australia 2003 Fieldwork was...
Vegetation of Perisher, Kosciuszko Resorts Vegetation Assessment 2003. Associated Report: "Kosciuszcko Resorts Vegetation Assessment", Ecology Australia 2003 Fieldwork was...
Vegetation of Bullocks Flat, Kosciuszko Resorts Vegetation Assessment 2003. Associated Report: "Kosciuszcko Resorts Vegetation Assessment", Ecology Australia 2003 Fieldwork was...