• This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021 as part of the...
    • PDF
    • Environment,
    • Bulk Water Supply,
    • Environmental Cons Area,
    • Heritage,
    • Land Application,
    • Repealed SEPP,
    • SEPP,
    • SEPP consolidation,
    • State Environmental Planning Policy 2009,
    • Western Sydney Parklands,
    • planning
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  • This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Central River City) 2021 as part of the...
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    • Environment,
    • Dwelling Density,
    • Flood,
    • Floor Space Ratio,
    • Growth Centres,
    • Height of Building,
    • Heritage,
    • Land Application,
    • Land Reservation Acquisition,
    • Land Zoning,
    • Lot Size,
    • Native Veg Protection,
    • Planning,
    • Precinct Boundaries,
    • Repealed SEPP,
    • Riparian Lands Watercourses,
    • SEPP consolidation,
    • Special Areas,
    • Special Provision,
    • Sydney Region Growth Centres 2006,
    • cultural heritage
    View Dataset
  • This is a repealed State Environmental Planning Policy and has been superseded by the State Environmental Planning Policy (Biodiversity & Conservation) 2021 as part of the...
    • PDF
    • Environment,
    • Critical Habitat Area,
    • Foreshores and Waterways Area Boundary,
    • Heritage,
    • Repealed SEPP,
    • SEPP consolidation,
    • Special Purposes,
    • Strategic Foreshore Sites Points,
    • Strategic Harbour Foreshore Sites,
    • Sydney Harbour Catchment,
    • Sydney Regional Environmental Plan,
    • Sydney Regional Environmental Plan 2005,
    • Wetlands Protection Area,
    • Zoning,
    • planning
    View Dataset