Haslams Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan


In broad terms, the current Floodplain Risk Management Study has investigated what can be done to minimise the effects of flooding in the Haslams Creek catchment and recommended a strategy in the form of a draft Floodplain Risk Management Plan.

Specific objectives of the study include:

  • a review of the results from the 1999 Flood Study;
  • consideration of the potential for culvert blockages and associated flood impacts;
  • the implementation of a community consultation strategy, to ensure community input is obtained at key times throughout the study;
  • a description and quantification of the flood problems in the Haslams Creek catchment including the likely cost of flooding to the local community;
  • the identification and assessment of potential floodplain risk management measures to reduce the risks and hazards of flooding;
  • a detailed review of issues relating to planning and development controls within the floodplain. Don Fox Planning Pty Ltd has prepared a document entitled Report on Planning Issues as part of this study. It is reproduced in Appendix A. Included in this report, is a proposed draft Development Control Plan (DCP) entitled “Managing Our Flood Risks”;
  • the development of a recommended draft Floodplain Risk Management Plan for the Haslams Creek catchment that outlines the best measures to reduce flood damage, based on environmental, social, economic, financial and engineering considerations.

Dataset Source Details

Data and Resources

Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Edition 27/06/2017
Purpose Land and Resource Management
Frequency of change As needed
Date of Asset Publication 2003-01-01
License 3rd party licence
Geospatial Topic Disaster
NSW Place Name Auburn

Dataset extent

River Basin 213 - Sydney Coast and Georges River
Spatial Data Capture Method Exported from Model
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