Summary Data: Protection Status for Australian Terrestrial Species Occurrences

Summary of species occurrence data from 1900 to the present for Australian terrestrial species organised by IBRA region and CAPAD protection status. Counts are provided by species and IBRA region for:

  1. The number of records showing evidence of the species’ presence inside the region
  2. The number of records showing evidence of the species’ presence within CAPAD 2020 protected areas inside the region
  3. The number of records showing evidence of the species’ presence within the protected areas under indigenous management within the region

The first count includes all records in the second count and the second count includes all records in the third count. The counts in this dataset allow for some simple comparisons between the numbers of species recorded inside and outside protected areas in each region and comparison of the species in each region. Inclusion of EPBC statuses allows comparisons based on conservation status. Note however that such counts may not accurately reflect real differences in biodiversity. It is important to consider confounding factors (particularly variations in recording effort over time).

Occurrence records were aggregated and organised by the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA, and include survey and monitoring data collected and managed by the Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS, and the Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN,

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Metadata Summary What is metadata?

Field Value
Language English
Purpose This dataset serves as a standardised snapshot of Australian biodiversity occurrence data from which many indicator datasets can more readily be derived. Grouping records from this dataset supports comparisons between the number of occurrence records for different regions and/or time periods and/or categories of species and occurrence data. Grouped counts of this kind may serve as useful indications of variation and change across the dimensions compared. Note however that such counts may not accurately reflect real differences in biodiversity. It is important to consider confounding factors (particularly variations in recording effort over time). Grouping all records by a single facet (e.g. IBRA region) may help to expose such factors.
Frequency of change Annually
Keywords FAUNA-Native,FLORA-Native,ECOLOGY-Ecosystem,ECOLOGY,FAUNA-Insects
Metadata Date 2022-04-14
Date of Asset Creation 2022-04-14
Date of Asset Revision 2023-05-15
Date of Asset Publication 2022-12-22
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Geospatial Topic Environment

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Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
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Attribution EcoAssets asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: "© EcoAssets 2022"
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DOI Resource Type General Description dataset